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no effect of mixing was observed for the storage modulus (G′) of gluten for any of the flours.

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Q: What effect does mixing time have on gluten?
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What causes gluten to form in batters and doughs?

Too much mixing and kneeding causes gluten to form.

What effect will gluten have in cakes?

When "worked up" by mixing or kneading, gluten makes dough elastic and the finished product chewy. This is desirable in bread but undesirable in cake which should have a "tender crumb" without being chewy or tough like bread. This is why bread flour has higher gluten content than cake flour.

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Is high gluten flour good to use for cakes?

No. High gluten flour is used for baking breads, where a more chewy texture is desired. Lots of mixing and kneading "works up" the gluten in bread dough to create that chewiness. For cakes, which should have a delicate crumb, low gluten flour (pastry flour) is preferred.

What are tunnels in quick breads caused by?

over-mixing of the should see some inconsistencies in the mixture...over mixing will tighten the gluten - hence toughen it then when it bakes those areas in the bread where the inconsistency will be air pockets - called tunneling.

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Over mixing dough or batter containing flour activates gluten. This protein makes baked goods firm and elastic, good for pizza crust but bad for cakes and muffins.

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improve the effect of mixing