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What differentiates one element from another (like Hydrogen from Helium) is the number of protons in the nucleus. When protons are added (as happens in nuclear fusion) or subtracted (nuclear fission), the element transmutes into another element.

When the number of Protons are changed, both the Electrons and Neutron (numbers) will change too. Protons are paired with electrons. Protons + Electrons = Neutrons, thus reinforcing that both the Electrons and Neutrons will change when the number of Protons has.

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it is impossible to change the number of protons in a nucleus.

if it was changed it would be an entirely different element.

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The atom becomes that of a different element.

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It changes into a different element.

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They turn into newly developed germs.

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Q: What effect produced by changing the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom?
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What is the principal effect of the presence of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom?

It is suposed that neutrons are necessary for the stability of the atomic nucleus.

What is the effect of the electrostatic forces inside the nucleus?

protons and neutrons repel each other. The protons in the nucleus repel each other...APEX

What effect does changing the number of particles in an atom have on the atoms identity?

An atom is made of smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and nuetrons are in the nucleus. The number of protons in a nucleus is the atomic number and defines the type of element the atom forms. The number of neutrons determines the isotope of an element. For example, the carbon-12 isotope has 6 protons and 6 neutrons, while the carbon-14 isotope has 6 protons and 8 neutrons. If the numbe of protons were to change, it would no longer be carbon.

What effect would adding additional neutrons have on the force in a nucleus?

The additional neutrons don't exert electric forces. They do attract one another, and the protons, via the strong nuclear force.

Why transition metal have same atomic radius?

this is because the effect of the increased nucleus i roughly balanced by the greater screening effect produced by adding to the penultimate shell

Do protons repel protons in the nucleus of the cell if yes then how does the nucleus and atom stay and do not disintegrate?

protons and neutrons are both made of quarks each with their own +'ve and -'ve charges, at the close proximity that protons and neutrons are found their overall charges are no longer in effect it's the charges of the quarks within them that affect attraction and repulsion

Does the strong nuclear force have charges like the electromagnetic force does?

No. The strong nuclear force works through the exchange of a subatomic particle called a meson. Additionally, the strong nuclear force has to hold protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, so having a charge would have no effect on the neutrons.

What three factors effect the nuclear charge?

The stability of a nucleus depends on the ratio of protons to neutrons. It's not a simple ratio that's the same for all atomic numbers, it varies. For small atomic numbers, 1:1 is about right. For higher atomic numbers, more neutrons are needed.

What are similarities between ions and isotopes?

Ions and isotopes are both atoms of a given element with a different number of particles. While the number of protons in an element never change, the number of neutrons and electrons can. In an ion their is a different number of electrons, changing the charge, but having a negligible effect on the mass. Among isotopes the number of neutrons varies, changing the atomic mass but not the charge.

Why do scientists say that electrons most effect an atom's size while protons and neutrons most effect an atom's mass?

electrons buzz around the atomic nucleus. low level/lower energy electrons have orbits tighter/closer to the nucleus, but higher/more excited electrons have a broader orbit ie: further away from the nucleus. this looks a little like a small or big cloud around the nucleus, making it look bigger. the protons and neutrons form the nucleus, and the futher along the periodic table you move, the more of them there are in each atom. because they have mass, more of the means more mass, and I'm pretty sure that they have more mass than electrons. it is said that protons and neutrons are made up of subatomic particles, like quarks, which have no mass. quantum physicists at the moment claim that bosons hold these quarks together, and another undiscovered boson gives them mass

Which two forces are responsible for holding the atom together?

The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Inside the nucleus, there is an electrostatic force of repulsion between the protons. Those protons have positive charges, and like charges repel. Also acting in the nucleus is a force of attraction called the nuclear force. It provides the nuclear binding energy to keep the nucleus together. This nuclear force is a short range force, and is so strong that it will overcome the effect of the force of repulsion between the protons.

Why does the number of electrons have little effect on overall mass of atom?

The protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus are much heavier than an electron. Protons and neutrons are almost the same weight as each other and are just over 1800 times as heavy as an electron. there are the same number of electrons as protons in a neutral atom and typically a number of neutrons as well, so the percentage by weight of electrons is very small.