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Q: What effects did the committee the correspondencehave on the colonies?
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What effects of the committee of correspondance have on colonies?

The committees of correspondence were what began the Revolution. These were committees in which people of the colonies got together to discuss independence.

What was the committee of safety?

The Massachusetts committee of safety was created to protect the thirteen colonies from any foreign invasion. It was a committee created by the leaders of the thirteen colonies.

What was the Massachusetts committee of safety?

The Massachusetts committee of safety was created to protect the thirteen colonies from any foreign invasion. It was a committee created by the leaders of the thirteen colonies.

What effects did the committee of corresponding have on the colonists?

It gave the colonies a sense of unity of purpose, and encouraged them to work together to meet the problems posed by British rule and taxation.

What effects did the committee of correspondence have on the colonists?

It gave the colonies a sense of unity of purpose, and encouraged them to work together to meet the problems posed by British rule and taxation.

Did the Committee of Correspondence communicate with other colonies?


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you were born

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The French and Indian War had a few effects on the colonies. Some of the effects that the war has were costing England a lot of money and been forced to pay taxes or get killed.

What do the committee of correspondence do?

They secretly sent messages through out the 13 colonies against the actions of Great Britain.

The what was formed to exchange letters and spread news about British activity?

The Committee of Correspondence was formed in the colonies to keep updated about British activity. The committee was the beginning of the new United States government.

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i was looking for the answer too

What does Committee of correspondence mean?

It means a committee (group) set up to engage in correspondence (written communication, letter writing) with other groups. The committees of correspondence were bodies organized by the local colonial leaders of the Thirteen Colonies before and during the American Revolution for the purposes of coordinating written communication between separate cities and colonies.