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Q: What element emits a red light when an electron transition occures?
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What happens to the mass number of a nucleus when it emits an electron?

When a nucleus emits a beta particle (electron) it is a result of neutron decay. This decay will also release an antineutrino and a proton is left which increases the atomic mass by one thereby changing the element.

When a electron returns to its stable or ground state is emits?

When an electron returns to its ground state it emits energy in the form of light.

What happens to an electron during an electron transition?

Drops to a lower energy level and emits one photon of light.

Determine the end value of n in a hydrogen atom transition if the electron starts in n equals 4 and the atom emits a photon of light with a wavelength of 486nm?

The end value of "n" is 2.

Which element emits violet color?

no element specifically emits a violet color, but instead its a mixture of some elements producing it. 3/13/12

What is the difference between linear and non linear optics?

In the case of linear optical transitions, an electron absorbs a photon from the incoming light and makes a transition to the next higher unoccupied allowed state. When this electron relaxes it emits a photon of frequency less than or equal to the frequency of the incident light (Figure 1.3a). SHG on the other hand is a two-photon process where this excited electron absorbs another photon of same frequency and makes a transition to reach another allowed state at higher energy. This electron when falling back to its original 39 state emits a photon of a frequency which is two times that of the incident light (Figure 1.3b). This results in the frequency doubling in the output.

What emits electrons in specific charge of electron experiment?

hot filament

What happens to an element when it emits radioactive particles?

IT changes into a new, usually lighter element.

How does electron capture generate X-rays?

The capture creates a "hole", or missing electron, that is filled by a higher energy electron that emits X-rays.

When the electron emits lights does the electron move up to a higher energy level or down to a lower energy level?

In the Bohr model of the atom, an electron emits a photon when it moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.

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