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Q: What element has more than 8 electrons in its outer most shell?
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What number of electrons in the outer outer shell of Cl?

A chloride anion contains eight outer shell electrons, one more than the seven outer shell electrons found in a chlorine atom.

What makes an element a semi-conductor?

an outer valence shell missing one or more electrons. slightly resistive

Why are halogens only in compound form?

This has to do with the number of electrons in the outer shell of the element. Simply put, each element has a certain number of electrons, equal to their atomic number on the periodic table. These electrons are found in "shells," and ideally, the outer shell has 8 electrons in it. If it does not, the element will bond with another element, giving or receiving electrons so that the element has a completed outer shell (8 electrons). The halogens all have an outer shell of 7 electrons. They are only one short of a completed outer shell, and therefore it is very easy and desirable for them to pick up an electron from another element, forming a compound and giving them a full, stable outer shell. For example, in the case of sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium has only 1 electron in its outer shell (called a valence electron), while chlorine has 7. It is very easy for sodium to lose that one electron to chlorine, completing chlorine's outer shell and creating a very stable compound. Because halogens so readily attract electrons to form compounds and are so much more stable as compounds than as elements, they are very rarely found not in compound form.

What do electrons have to do with chemical bonds?

Each element has shells of electrons and they are limited to how many can be shared in the outer shell. This lets us know what and how many atoms can combine with it. Hydrogen has the need for one electron in its outer shell. Oxygen has the need for two more electrons in its outer shell. Therefore, 2 hydrogen atoms can combine with oxygen.

How many more valence electons does carbon need to have a full outer valence shell?

Carbon need to obtain four more electrons in order to obtain a noble gas configuration.

How do you find valency of any element?

The valence is the outer most shell and im assuming you need the amount of electrons on the outer most shell which would be the valence electrons. There can be no more than 8. The rule is 2-8-8. It could be done by referring to the group of that element in the periodic table.

How many electrons nitrogen has in its outer energy levels?

Nitrogen has atomic number = 7. The outer shell has 5 electrons, it requires 3 more electrons to complete the outer energy shell.

How many electrons are needed to fill carbon outer shell?

Carbon has four valence electrons, so it will need four more electrons to fill its outer shell.

How many shell in oxygen atom?

Two. An inner shell contains 2 electrons; and an outer shell contains 2 electrons on its near side and 4 more electrons on its outer side. Total of 8 electrons.

An element that has two outer electrons seeks to gain six more?

An element that has two outer electrons is carbon. Carbon would not use the energy to gain six more electrons when it can easily get rid of the two outer electrons.

How many more valence electrons does magnesium need to have a full outer valence shell?

it needs six more electrons to have a full outer valence shell.

What element on the periodic table would you predict to that the least attraction for its outer level electrons?

I think the elements with more number of shells and least number of electrons in the outer most shell would be the one. For example francium.