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Q: What element id used to coat the steel which is used in food containers?
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What element is used to coat the steel in food containers?

epoxy resins

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Why you use tin with contact food?

Tin is not very reactive when in contact with acidic foods so it is used to coat steel to make food cans; This prevents the food being tainted by can and prevents the food from damaging the steel can and potentially breaching its integrity.

How much does it coat for the food?

no coat for food

What is the use of food containers?

Food containers can be used to store and portablize food and are usually air tight to lee the food fresh.

Why galvanized steel is not used for food containers?

Because some of the stuff that makes up the galvanization would leach out into the food, making it somewhat poisonous.

Should food be stored in clean and damp containers?

Food should be stored in clean, dry containers.

What is the status of sanitary food containers?

Sanitary food containers have been a strong growth market for the paper industry.

What are food lables?

labels on containers of food , you loser

What type of boxes are pest for packaging food for long term storage?

For long term storage, foods must be packed in a container that has minimum moisture and oxygen content, so the box should be airtight and leak-proof. Stainless steel food containers or glass food containers are probably the best options, since plastic can leak harmful chemicals into the food if stored for too long.

How does putting bread in food containers keep food fresh?

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What metal is used as a container for food stuff?

Your best bet for avoiding rust would be to use stainless steel containers. If that's not an option, look into anti-rust coatings for your containers. There should be a way to prevent oxygen from hitting the metal and causing the oxidation that is rust.