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Q: What element is always present in a ferrous metal?
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Related questions

Who invented the ferrous metal?

No one invented ferrous metal. It is iron (Fe) which is an element, this was discovered not invented.

What is farrous metal?

A ferrous metal is a type of metal that has iron present.

Is alluminium ferrous?

No. A ferrous metal is a metal that contains iron (steel, for example, is ferrous as it is a mixture of iron and carbon). Since aluminum is an element, it is not ferrous unless it is mixed with iron.

What do you mean by ferrous and non-ferrous metal?

Ferrous comes from the latin root ferro meaning Iron. Thus a ferro metal is rich in Fe (Iron).The opposite for a non-ferrous metal. For example something rich in other element.

Is alluminium a ferrous metal?

No. Aluminium is an element in its own right, meaning that it contains no foreign ions. A ferrous metal is a metal which contains some iron. The symbol for iron is Fe, hence the derivation of the word "ferrous"

What does a ferrous metal contain?

Ferrous refers to anything containing iron, so an example of a ferrous metal would be steel.

Is lead a ferrous or a nonferrous metal?

Ferrous means containing or coated with iron. Lead is not an alloy, just a different element, so lead is non-ferrous.

Brass ferrous or nonferrous?

Brass is a nonferrous metal. No iron is present in it.

Is copper ferrous?

it produces a magnetic field. i think that if current is passed through the wire it can attract pieces of iron

Is copper a ferrous metal or a non-ferrous metal?


Is magnesuim a ferrous metal?

"Ferrous" is a word that means "iron". A ferrous metal is a metal that is derived from iron or is an iron alloy, and cannot exist without being bonded to iron. Magnesium is its own chemical element, and does not include elements of iron innately. It can exist independently of iron molecules, so it is called "non-ferrous".

What are the three main categories of metal?

1. Ferrous metal 2. Non-Ferrous metal 3. Alloys