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Q: What element is present in proteins but not carbohydrates.?
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What element is present in protein that was not present in carbohydrates?

Proteins contain nitrogen, which is not present in carbohydrates.

Is oxygen present in protein but not in fats?

Nitrogen is the element present in all proteins except carbohydrates and fats. Amino acids make up all proteins, and they contain the amino group NH2, except for carbohydrates and fats.?æ

What element is found in proteins but not in in carbohydrates and lipids?

Nitrogen is found in proteins but not in carbohydrates and lipids

What chemical element is present in proteins and nucleic acids but not sugars and fats?

Phosphorus complexes are present in proteins but is not present in sugars or fats..

What element is in proteins?

Carbohydrates and lipids.

Which element is present in protients but not in carbohydrates and fatsoils?

nitrogen is not present in carbohydrates and fats but is inproteins.

What element is found in proteins and nucleic acids but not carbohydrates?


What necessary element is found in proteins that separates it from carbohydrates?


What functional group is not present in either proteins or carbohydrates?


Can carbohydrates contain pleated sheets and helices?

No , these are present in proteins .

What 1 element distingushes proteins from carbohydrates and fats?

Nitrogen. Proteins are made from amino acids , Carbohydrates and fats are simple/complex hydrocarbon compounds.

What element isn't present in lipids or carbohydrates but is in proteins?

Nitrogen. Look at the structure of a peptide bond which connects each amino acid together. That is where the nitrogen is located