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Q: What element points to an in-cell drop-down list arrow in Excel?
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When you use the filter feature on Excel what appears in each column label?

A heading to be used like a field in Excel, and a little arrow enabling you to open a dropdown list to choose values to show.

Is font size measured in Excel inches centimetres or pixels or points?

It is measured in points.

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Open file menu and select SaveAs (choose "other format"). In the "Save as type" dropdown, select Web Page (*.htm,*.html).Websupport

What XSL element can you use to sort or order your XML data?

Assuming "XLS" means MS Excel, you can import your XML data to Excel, then filter or sort as desired.

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name box

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to value

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It is a chart for plotting points and can also be used to chart lines and curves.

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An element in the excel window that displays the value or formula contained in the active cell in which you can enter or edit values from is?

The Formula Bar.

What key do you use as a purge key if you have 22000 points of information and you want to purge down to about 400 or 500 points at random interfalls using excel?

Get A copy that is $40 to get purge and mewthree

Which excel function would be used to calculate the total points a student earned ona aseries of tests?

The SUM function.

In excel when using overheads for running a presentation make the text size at least how many points so it can be easily read?

You probably would not use Excel for a presentation. For PowerPoint slides, use font sizes of 28 to 32 points. Anything smaller may be too small to see from the back of the room.