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Q: What elements of formed when neptunium disintegrates?
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Does promethium form when neptunium disintegrates?

Promethium is not in the neptunium series of radioactive decay.

How do you use the periodic table to find what forms when neptunium disintegrates?

After an alpha decay the atomic number of the new element formed is less with 4.

How was neptunium separated into individuals elements?

Neptunium is an individual element; isotopes of neptunium are not separated.

Can you mixed Neptunium with elements?

Neptunium can react with the majority of other nonmetals.

What are the elements that make neptunium?

Neptunium itself is an element, the simplest form of matter.

Where does neptunium fit on the periodic table?

Neptunium is a member of the actinides group.

What does neptunium contain?

As all the chemical elements neptunium contain protons, neutrons and electrons.

What elements react with neptunium?

Neptunium is a reactive metal and can react with the majority of non metals.

What elements before neptunium are not found in nature?

All the elements before neptunium are found in the nature. Also neptunium can be found in the nature only in ultratraces resulting from nuclear weapons experiments or other experiments.

What is the family name for neptunium?

Neptunium is a member of the actinoids family.

What element is formed when neptunium disintergrates?

The daughter of neptunium 237 is protactinium 233, after alpha disintegration.

What is a slogan for neptunium?

no slogans for chemical elements