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No elements can be made from molecules, because molecules are made from elements instead. If the question is really, "What elements normally occur in nature as diatomic molecules?", the answer is hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine.

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Q: What elements or compounds are made from two molecules?
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What do you call combinations of two or more elements Sodium chloride and magnesium sulfate are examples?

Chemical compounds are molecules made up of two or more elements.

All compounds are made from how many elements?

All compounds are made of two or more elements.

Compounds are made from different atoms of two or more?

Yes, also molecules are like compounds, but they can have 2 or more of the same atom.

Why compounds are molecules?

All compounds are made up of molecules. For example, salt, a compound, is composed of molecules (NaCl). By please do remember that molecules are not only limited to compounds. Meaning, there are also molecules that are not classified as compounds. The definition of a compound is a substance that is made up of two or more elements. A molecule is composed of two or more ATOMS connected by chemical forces. An example is oxygen air (O2). Oxygen air is a diatomic MOLECULE but it is NOT a COMPOUND.

Compounds are made made of how many elements?

Two or more elements.

What are binary molecular compounds made out of?

Everything you can touch is made up of molecules. From simple compounds like water (H2O) to giant molecules that make up biological tissue. Only the noble/Inert gases exist as monatomic atoms.

How does elements differ to compounds?

Elements are single, however compounds are made up of two or more elements.

What are the elements and compounds that makeup water?

Usually, water molecules are made from two hydrogen and one oxygen atom bonded together.

How are elements and compounds alike and different?

The only similarity elements and compounds share are that they're the building blocks of matter. Their differences are that elements are are made of only one type of periodic element. Compounds are made of at least two periodic elements bonded together. For example, salt is a compound of sodium-chloride and the helium in balloons is made up entirely of helium molecules.

Is a substance made of two or more elements chemically combined?

CompoundThis is called a compound. The molecules of compounds usually have different properties than the atoms of the constituent elements.

What is true about molecular compounds?

Two or more elements are chemically bonded.

Where are elements and compounds usually found?

In literally every single thing in the universe. Elements are the very building blocks of things. Compounds are things that are made up of more than two elements. If something is made up of two Oxygen molecules, it is not a compound. If something is made up of an Oxygen molecule, and a Carbon molecule, it would be a compound.