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Q: What elements were synthesized during the big bang and why did the process stop?
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What is the process called which formed elements from hydrogen and helium after the Big Bang occured?

Fusion or Nuclear Fusion

Were Most of the elements heavier than helium made during the first few minutes after the big bang?

According to the big bang hypothesis, hydrogen was the only element created after the big bang. Within the first few minutes, the temperature was hot enough for fusion to occur, enabling helium, lithium and a few other elements to be created. After about 3 minutes, the Universe cooled sufficiently, for this process to halt. It was not until about 500,000 million years later, when the first stars went supernova, that heavier elements were seeded into the Universe.

What creates gases and other elements?

The element hydrogen condensed out of the energetic subatomic particles that resulted from the Big Bang, and other elements were subsequently produced out of hydrogen, by the process of nuclear fusion, that takes place inside stars.

How did the big bang theory form the sun?

Hmph. The Big Bang theory did not form the sun. The big bang formed the elements hydrogen, then hydrogen began to create helium. Then stars were formed out of these two elements and that is how our sun was created.

Where did all the elements come from?

Hydrogen, some helium and less lithium are the result of the big bang. All the other elements are made inside the cores of stars, except for elements heavier than iron. All elements heavier than iron are created during supernova explosions.

What is Aluminum caused by the big bang?

It is believed that right after the Big Bang, some of the normal hydrogen fused to deuterium, helium, and perhaps a small amount of lithium. No significant amounts of heavier elements was produced during the Big Bang. Most helium, as well as metals (i.e., anything heavier than helium) are the result of nuclear fusion in stars; the heavier elements are the result of supernova explosions.

What were the after effects of the big bang?

An evolutionary expansion of the universe for our existence in a fourth dimensional SpaceTime continuum; i.e. From singularity of all fundamental forces (based on the primary interactions of the physics; i.e., gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak) to a hot and dense plamsa soup of energy, to primeval atoms coalescing into giant clouds of these primordial elements which later (via separation gravity) formed stars and galaxies as the heavier elements were synthesized either within stars or during supernovae.

What instruments are used in bang bang by William?

Bang Bang" is a song recorded by American producer and rapper Will.I.Am. "Bang Bang" is an up-tempo fusion of 1920s jazz instrumentals along with futuristic hi-NRG, electronic dance and synthpop elements.

Why is there an abundance of lighter elements in the universe?

The light elements come from the very origin of the Universe. Hydrogen, being the simplest element, is still the most common element in the Universe. During the heat of the Big Bang, some Helium was produced, but almost no metals (i.e., heavier elements).The reason we have relatively few hydrogen and helium on Earth is because most of it must have escaped to space during the formation of Earth. More massive planets, like Jupiter, have a much larger percentage of hydrogen and helium.

What object must have moved during the big bang?

According to the Big Bang model, no object must have moved during the Big Bang. The Big Bang model describes a rapid expansion of space, not any kind of motion.

Compare the elements formed in the big bang with elements formed through nuclear fusion in stars?

No elements were formed in the big bang. After quite some time, hydrogen began to form, and it is the main constituent of stars. The main by-product of nuclear fusion in stars is helium.

Where were the elements that are found in nature formed'?

Hydrogen and helium are thought to be formed during the Big Bang. We also know that helium is formed in stars during the process of stellar evolution. The other elements formed in stars during stellar evolution and end-of-life stellar events (like a supernova). It could be said that with the exception of hydrogen, all the elements formed in stars during one phase or another of the life of stars. This though minute quantities of some isotopes that are found in nature appear in the decay chains of other isotopes and were not themselves created in stars as described.