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Q: What empires were conquered during the Age of Exploration?
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What were the main four empires during the age of exploration?

Spain France Portugal

Why is Latin America mostly Christian?

During the Age of Exploration, most of Latin America was conquered by the Spanish and Portuguese empires, which had Roman Catholicism as the state religion. This resulted in most of the continent having Roman Catholicism adopted or imposed to the local peoples of the region.

What country started Mexico?

It started on its own since 3000 BC. It however, was conquered by Spanish conquistadors in 1521 during the Age of Exploration.

Why is it called the age of exploration?

It is called the Age of Exploration because during this period (15th to 17th centuries), European nations sent out explorers to discover new lands, establish trade routes, and expand their empires. This era marked a significant period of exploration, colonization, and discovery of new lands across the globe.

During which years did the age of exploration occur?

The Age of Exploration occurred in the 1400s to the 1700s.

What was the role of slavery during the age of exploration?

the role of slavery during the age of exploration was to hav the africans manage the sugar plantations

When did Amerigo Vespucci's exploration take place?

During the age of exploration.

Which were two countries that remained isolated during the age of exploration?

Japan and china were the two countries who remained isolated during the age of exploration.

Who was the king of France during European age of Exploration 1660?

The king of France during the European age of Exploration was King Louis XIV.

What did Spain discover during the Age of Exploration and Discovery?

During the Age of Exploration Spain explored theCaribbean, South America and Central America.

What was the impact on exploration on the navigational school?

The navigational school had a significant impact on exploration by improving techniques and methods for sea navigation, leading to increased accuracy in mapping the world and facilitating the discovery of new lands and trade routes. This contributed to the expansion of empires and increased global connectivity during the Age of Exploration.

What instrument was used during the Age of Exploration to observe stars?

At the Age of Exploration they used telescope to observe stars.