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it is called chicken

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Q: What energy from steam under the earth is called?
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What is heat from the earth called?

Geothermal. it is called geothermal. Geothermal thermal energy is what you get when water is pumped through pipes deep under the crust and the water is heated creating steam that travels up the pipe and then is transformed into geothermal heat and energy.

Is steam energy the same as geothermal energy?

No, steam energy is produced whenever water is heated, and this can be by burning anything, as well as using heat from under the ground. Geothermal energy is specifically the heat from under the ground, which can be turned into steam to generate electricity.

Are geysers in earth or on earth?

Both earth has water under neath the soil and the heat and pressure build up and it erupts into steam

What layer of the earth does geothermal energy come from?

it is hot water from under the earth it is about 4,ooo mile under the earth

How is steam used to create energy?

The steam can be used to turn turbines that in turn generate electricity. The steam is generated by burning coal or some other fossil fuel, or nuclear power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steam under high pressure and high temperature would have pressure energy and thermal energy. As energy can neither be created nor be destroyed and could be changed from one form into another, these form of energy is utilized to run the turbine to generate electrical energy. In olden days steam was utilized to activate the piston in the cylinder and there by rotate the wheels of the rail engine. This is how the energy right from steam being used.

How can heat energy be converted to mechanical energy?

Heat can be used to generate steam. Steam, under pressure, can be made to push against pistons or to drive a turbine. The first generates linear motion and the second rotational motion.

Description of geothermal energy?

Energy extracted from hot rocks under the earth's surface.

What is thermal power generation?

Thermal means "relating to heat." Geothermal (Earth's heat energy) energy is tapped by pumping water down deep bore holes under pressure, the water heats up and turns to steam. When it returns to the surface the steam is used to drive generators, whcih it turn produce electricity. Iceland, which has a lot of volcanic areas and hot springs, makes considerable use of geothermal energy.

What are Italy and Iceland tapping geothermal energy by drilling into?

They are drilling into the earth's crust. Geothermal energy comes from heat under the surface of the earth.

What is the water that is under the earth called?

it is called groundwater Shelf A+.

What form of energy is a rock?

A rock is one type of energy called, "Mass", which on Earth, we call weight. Dr Einstein mathematically proved this long ago and wrote about it under the title of "Relativity". He proved that energy and things with weight (really, mass) are the same things, but in different forms. Sound odd? Consider water . . . it is still water even if it's steam, liquid water, or ice. Same thing, but just in different forms.

Where the energy transfer happen when earth matieral increases in temperature when put under a lamp?

Energy is transferred from the photons in the light to the molecules of the earth material.