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HEP (hydro-electric project)...Electricity is produced by the fast motion of water turning turbines. Hydro dams can control the speed of the flow of the water, holding water back until the dam can be opened and produce a really fast surge to turn the turbine and make the electric power. Then the owner sells the power for a profit.

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Q: What energy source could involved a dam?
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What is the main source of energy for hydroelectricity?

Water. (There is a clue in the name). Hydroelectricity is created by the use of the potential energy in water stored behind a dam. Actually, water itself is not a source of energy, though the original answer is somewhat correct, that it is the potential energy of the water (due to its height) stored behind the dam, we must look at what energy source moved the water (against the force of gravity) to its height behind the dam, and that source is the radiant energy of the sun. With the exception of nuclear and geothermal, the sun provides the source of all energy used on earth. Tidal 'energy' is mainly the result of the Moon's gravitational pull and therefore is not dependent on the Sun.

What could be the source of irrigation water?

An aquifer, a river, a lake or a dam. Also in desert countries the sea could be a source if desalination is used.

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Where is hydroelectric energy found?

Where is hydroelectric energy generated?Hydroelectric energy, being electricity generated from a hydro (water) source, usually a hydro-electric dam, can be found anywhere on the electrical grid.

What are disadvantages of hydro power energy?

You would have to build a dam, which could mess with the flow of the river.

The what energy of water in a dam is increased by raising the level of water behind the dam?

Potential Energy

What energy is stored in dam?

Potential energy

How does energy change forms as it goes from behind a dam to downstream of a dam?

potential energy that converts to kinetic energy

The Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River produces what type of energy?

A dam is used for hydroelectric energy.

What kind of energy does the hover dam convert and what kind of energy does it output?

A hydroelectric dam converts part of the kinetic energy of falling water to electrical energy.