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reverse transcriptase

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4d ago

Reverse transcriptase is the enzyme used in reverse transcription to generate complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template.

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Q: What enzyme is used in reverse transcription?
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Who invented rt-pcr?

Kary Mullis is credited with inventing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique in the 1980s, but reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) was a further development by researchers like A. W. Higuchi that allowed for the amplification of RNA sequences.

Describe the locations reactants and products of transcription and translation?

Transcription is located in the nucleus, and translation is located in the cytoplasm. The product of transcription is RNA, and the product of translation is protein. The reactants for transcription is DNA, and the reactants for translation is mRNA and tRNA.

What substance can be used to stop enzyme reaction?

Denaturing agents such as heat, extreme pH levels, or organic solvents can be used to stop enzyme reactions by altering the enzyme's structure and activity. Additionally, specific enzyme inhibitors can be used to block the active site or prevent substrate binding, effectively stopping the enzymatic reaction.

What two nucleic acids are involved in transcription?

Transcription involves the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template. The two nucleic acids involved are DNA, which serves as the template for RNA synthesis, and RNA, which is the product of transcription.

What is the name of the chemical reaction when a strand of messenger RNA is formed from individual nucleotides?

The process of forming a strand of messenger RNA from individual nucleotides is called transcription. During transcription, an enzyme called RNA polymerase helps to assemble the nucleotides in the correct sequence based on the DNA template.

Related questions

Which Enzyme is capable of reverse transcription?

Rna reverse transcriptase.

RNA can manufacture DNA via the action of what?

Reverse transcription is a process where a reverse transcriptase enzyme is used to generate complementary DNA from an RNA template. It is needed for the replication of retroviruses.

Which enables DNA to be synthesize from RNA?

The reverse transcriptase enzyme is responsible for synthesis of DNA from an RNA template by the process of reverse transcription.

Reverse transcription occurs when?

Reverse transcription occurs when RNA is converted into DNA by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. This process is commonly observed in retroviruses like HIV, where the viral RNA is reverse transcribed into DNA upon infection of a host cell. The resulting DNA can then integrate into the host cell's genome and be used as a template for viral replication.

Which process produces RNA to dna?

The process that is used to create DNA from an RNA template is called reverse transcription (commonly found in retroviral infection). The enzyme that aids in this process is called reverse transcriptase.

Reverse transcription 5' to 3'?

In normal transcription DNA is converted to RNA .reverse transcription is nothing but RNA will be converted to DNA

What do you call viruses with the enzyme reverse transcriptase?

Retroviruses are considered a special class of viruses because they transcribe RNA to DNA using reverse transcriptase. HIV uses reverse transcription to synthesize a DNA strand using its RNA genome as a template.

How reverse transcription occurs in retrovirus?

The enzyme, reverse transcriptase, uses an RNA template to create DNA. Then transcription is done normally to recreate an RNA template and then have it expressed as a polypeptide. By adding this extra step, the chance of mutations is greater so this process is important for quicker adaptations. For example, HIV uses reverse transcriptase and carries RNA instead of DNA.

What is Replication of an RNA virus?

You might be referring to the reverse-transcription that many retroviruses use (a virus with an RNA that turns into DNA). By using the enzyme reverse transcriptase, viruses like HIV can make a DNA from RNA template.

What is is called when RNA copies to DNA?

When RNA's base sequence is used to determine the base sequence of a new strand of DNA, that is called reverse transcription.This is because the process is the reverse of transcription, which involves copying the base sequence of DNA to form RNA, including messenger RNA (mRNA).

What enzyme do you need to get a copy of DNA from mRNA?

Reverse transcriptase is the enzyme used to synthesize DNA from mRNA.

What is the only enzyme necessary for transcription?

RNA Polymerase