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stratum granulosum and stratum lucidum

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Q: What epidermal cell compose about 8 percent epidermal cells?
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What is an epidermal cell?

An epidermal cell is a cell that is part of the outer layer of an organism. For example, in humans, skin cells are epidermal. Leaves on plants have epidermal layers on the top and bottom of the leaf.

What cellular structures are found in the epidermal cells of humans but not in epidermal cell of leaves?


What is the function of epidermal cells in sponges?

The epidermal cells of sponges are responsible for cell adhesion and maintenance of their shape and structure. The epidermis is composed of pinacocytes (epidermal cells) which are flattened cells in the sponge's body wall.

How do you examine leaf epidermal cell?

Leaf epidermal cells are examined by making peelings of epidermal cells from both sides. Normally these peelings are stained and examined under the compound microscope.

Do Squamous cell carcinoma involve dermal cells?

No, they involve superficial epidermal cells

What is the difference between a guard cell and other cells?

Guard cells are specialized cells found in plant leaves that control the opening and closing of stomata, regulating gas exchange and water loss. Unlike other plant cells, guard cells have a kidney-like shape and contain chloroplasts to help with photosynthesis. Additionally, guard cells possess a unique structure and function specifically designed for their role in controlling gas exchange.

What causes the shape of a human cheek cell to be different from the shape of onion's epidermal cell?

The shape of a human cheek cell is influenced by its function and structure in the body, which includes maintaining tissue structure and facilitating absorption. Onion epidermal cells, on the other hand, are specialized for protection and support, resulting in a different shape and structure to serve their purpose in the plant. This difference in function leads to the variation in cell shape between the two organisms.

What structure observe in onion epidermal cells are not present in human epithelial cells?

The structure of onion epidermal cells refers to the arrangement of tissues in this cells. You can find the structure of onion epidermal cells online at The structures observed in an onion epidermal cell, which are not present in the human epithelial cells are cell wall, central vacuole and vacuolar membrane.

Which cell junctions prevent epidermal cells from separating under tension?


Which skin cancer arises from the youngest epidermal cells?

basal cell carcinoma

Differentiate unicellular cells from multicellular cell?

unicellular cell are cell that is single while multicellular is compose of more cells

How can epidermal cell show that plant grows in a dry habitat?

Alternatively, in plants growing in dry habitats, the epidermal cell walls and cuticles are typically very thick. In pines (Pinus sp.) the epidermal cells of the needles have layers of secondary wall material that almost fill the cell cavity.