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Q: What cellular structures are found in the epidermal cells of humans but not in epidermal cell of leaves?
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What is an epidermal cell?

An epidermal cell is a cell that is part of the outer layer of an organism. For example, in humans, skin cells are epidermal. Leaves on plants have epidermal layers on the top and bottom of the leaf.

Do Humans transpirate?

Transpiration is the evaporation of cellular water (in the form of water vapour) from the stomata in the leaves of PLANTS. Humans are NOT plants.

Which adaptation helps to prevent water loss in conifers?

cuticle coating on leaves and thick epidermal cell walls

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Do the normal epidermal cells contain these green bodies?

the epidermal layer of a leaf or stem is green due to the presence of pigment carrying bodies called the chloroplasts.also it is seen the palisade tissue of the leaves to carry out photosynthesis

Where does the cuticle of a plant come from?

The protective cuticle of a plant comes from the epidermal cells on the plant's leaves. It is a waxy substance that prevents water and other particles from entering the leaves.

Which structures are not found in simple leaves?


What leaves the body as a cellular waste when a person exhales?


What breathes through leaves?

Yes, leaves utilize a form of cellular respiration that is often referred to as "breathing".

What structures control the size of the opening of leaves?


What cellular process causes a plant's leaves to swell?

lack of water

What is the important functions that leaves perform?

Leaves are structures that takes the sun's energy to produce chemical energy