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Q: What establishment run by missionaries was started to teach the Catholic religion to the Native Americans?
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Related questions

What did missionaries introduce to native Americans during the counter reformation?

they introduced a new catholic religion

What is the definition of missions?

a mission is a group of missionaries that are sent to places to teach people to believe in their religious faith. Example: In newFrance missionaries were sent to go to a presidio and teach the people there of their religion. Also in new Spain the king sent missionaries to convert native Americans and Spain people to the catholic religion

What are the faith's religion and how did they get started in east Africa?

Missionaries. Catholic and Protestant.

Why was mission san Diego de alcala destroyed?

To shelter the tired missionaries and soldiers and to teach the Catholic religion to the Native Americans.

What type of religion is practiced in cuba?

The country is a majority of Catholic. It was settled by the Spanish who always had Catholic missionaries with them.

What did missionaries teach the Indians?

From the missionaries, the Indians learned how to farm and how to take care of farm animals. Many missionaries also tried to "civilize" the Native Americans by teaching them a Western, monotheistic religion rather than the Native polytheistic religion that seemed incorrect and pagan to Western missionaries.

What religion did Spanish missionaries tried to spread among Native Americans?


What is the major religion of Central Americans?

Roman Catholic

What part of the native Americans way of life did spanish missionaries try to change most?


What religion did the friars bring to the mission and the native American tribe living at the missions?

The friars were Catholic, and so were the missions they founded. But there were a number of different kinds of Christian denominations that sent missionaries to the "new world." Back then, Christians believed the Native Americans (or Indians) were practicing a false religion and that they needed to be converted to Christianity. Catholic and Protestant missionaries were very active in preaching to the natives and either persuading them or forcing them to become Christians.

What is the Irish Americans' religion?

Mostly Roman Catholic, I believe.

What is the main religion of Americans?

some of them are christian and some are catholic