

Best Answer

When he entered in the beer hall

When he wrote his book in prison

Night of the long knives

The burning of the reichstag

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Q: What event help hitler to his power?
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How did the oath of loyalty from the army help Hitler rise to power?

hitler took over the army with the help of the ss as hiltler killed ernest rohm who was the leader of the SA. Hitler then gave them the oath that they will respect hitler and help him in the battles that they declared to fight on. hitler did this as he had most power.

What world event gave Hitler the opportunity to rise to power?

he won the war

What was Hitler's major event?

I think that Hitler's major event was the killing of the Jews.

What event did Hitler die in?

He died in the event of his own suicide.

Would Hitler come to power if Germany's money system didn't go bad?

It's debatable whether or not Hitler would have come to power just based on one significant event. In actuality, Hitler and the National Socialist Party were able to come to power because Hitler promised he would end the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty financially devastated Germany and left many Germans bitter and vengeful.

When did Hitler take power and when did he lose the power?

Hitler rose into power in 1934 and he lost power in 1945.

How did Hitler use the enabling law to help him consolidate his power?

Because the Enabling Law would help him get power for 4 years he could do whatever he wanted and do Germany however he wanted.

Did Nazi party policies help Hitler rise to power?

No. Hitler came to power primarily on account of the fact that Hitler claimed that he could turn the German economy around. Once in power, he implemented the policies of the Nazi Party which served to improve the economic situation for many Germans, but at the cost of millions of lives that were slaughtered.

Was Adolph Hitler voted into leadership?

No Hitler was not voted into leadership. He came to power when President Paul van Hindenburg died. Then Hitler was telling Germany that he was going to help them and so then they made him president. Unfortunately he turned on them.

How did the actions of the elite help Hitler's rise to power?

they caused and intrigue which lead to Hindedburg changing his previous reufusal.

When did Hitler get in power?

He rose to power in 1934.

When did Hitler come to power in Germany what messge did Hitler spread?

Hitler came into power in 30th January 1933 but I'm not sure what message he said