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the removal of federal troops

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The Compromise of 1877 marked the end of Reconstruction and led to the removal of federal troops from the South. This event allowed Southern states to implement Jim Crow laws that enforced legal segregation and discriminated against African Americans in areas such as education, housing, and public facilities.

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Q: What event occurred in 1877 in the South that brought about rapid legal discrimination against blacks?
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When did discrimination against blacks and whites end?

Discrimination against blacks and whites officially ended with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in the United States. Although the Act was a significant step forward, discrimination still persists in various forms to this day.

What is a sentence for discrimination?

I have corrected the spelling of "discrimation" to what I believe is the word you wanted. Discrimination is the unjust treatment of people based on race, gender, sex, or other qualifications. Blacks have traditionally been subjected to discrimination. Discrimination is wrong and should not be practiced.

How did free blacks cope with discrimination in the mid-1800s?

Free blacks in the mid-1800s coped with discrimination by forming their own mutual aid societies, churches, and schools to support each other. They also advocated for civil rights through petitioning, litigation, and political action. Some individuals chose to migrate to free states or territories to escape the oppressive conditions in the South.

What was life for free blacks during slavery?

Life for free blacks during slavery was challenging and unjust. They faced discrimination, segregation, limited rights, and constant threats to their safety. Free blacks often lived in fear of being captured and enslaved, and had to navigate systemic racism in their daily lives.

In the south free blacks were?

In the South, free blacks faced discrimination, limited rights, and restrictions on their movements. They often lived in segregated communities and were subject to harsher laws than white individuals. Despite their free status, they still had to navigate a society that denied them full citizenship and equality.

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What did the NAACP attempt to get the federal government to prevent?

Discrimination against blacks.

What caused the great migration?

racial violence and economic discrimination against blacks in the south

What made martin stand up for blacks?

Martin Luther King jr. wanted equal rights for whites and blacks. He thought it was wrong to give whites a larger amount of money for jobs. Also, he wanted no discrimination against anyone (from blacks to whites, or whites to blacks) even though this might have brought up riots.

How did discrimination against blacks came into existence?

They ate pie and liked it because pie is yummy.

Was duke ellington ever discriminated?

Yes, because he was alive during the days of discrimination against blacks.

What did W.E.B bois believe?

Blacks should demand equality and civil rights

Were blacks affected by reverse discrimination?

The blacks were slightly affected by reverse discrimination. Only about 3% of the respondents were from the African-American race.

What did W.E.B. Du Bois believe?

Blacks should demand equality and civil rights.

What is legal discrimination against blacks?

Absolutely, in fact in many places it was not only legalbut was required by law. If you did not discriminate, then you could be arrested and prosecuted!

What groups faced discrimination in the west?

The blacks mainly...

Is it true that the EEOC office in Indianapolis Indiana refuses to accept complaints of reverse discrimination by victims of black discrimination against whites and Hispanics?

Yes, absolutely. If you are not a "traditionally discriminated minority" according to them you have no right to claim discrimination whatsoever. In other words blacks are so fair that they would NEVER discriminate against anyone. LOL

What does discrimnation?

This means to treat one group of people less well than others. Example: Jews often faced discrimination when they moved into Christian towns. Whites in the US have often practiced discrimination against blacks.