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Q: What events in Europe lead to revolution in the Spanish colonies?
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How did events in Europe led to revolution in the Spanish colonies?

After Europe was in control, Spanish colonies were encouraged to get their land back and take control. It led to many revolutions like the French Revolution and Ind. Revolution.

Which of these events happened first and led to a number of wars in Europe?

The Glorious Revolution

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Industrial Revolution Napoleonic Wars American Revolution Declaration Of Independence War of 1812 Darwin Spanish Inquisition Handel Mozart Beethoven Chopin Victor Hugo Bach

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one event was the industrial revolution

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Spanish Revolution of 1868 affected the Philippines because it had de la Torre extended to Filipinos the promise of reform.

How did the Spanish revolution of 1868 effect the events in the Philippines?

Because they wanted to help the

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The Spanish-American war took place approximately half a century before the Cuban revolution, so do not combine these two events.

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The Industrial Revolution

The French revolution?

the french revolution[1789-1795] is regarded as one of the greatest events in the world history.its ideas profoundly influenced not only the history of Europe ,but also the rest of the world.


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The Glorious Revolution was the first time the colonies came together as a community of people with the same idea. This was very new to happen and influenced the political culture.

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