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Pearl harbor was the main reason the US went into the war, however Hitler was constantly mocking the US throughout the war. Also, FDR began transforming American factories to start building weapons of war, etc. to prepare for US involvement.

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Q: What events other than the attack on Pearl Harbor led the US into World War 2?
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Which of the Following events helped provoke the US to enter World War 2?

Japan attack on Pearl Harbor

What event brought US into World war two?

The Japanese attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

What is setting of the movie pearl harbor?

The setting was portrayed as Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii during World War II. The attack on Pearl Harbor was what thrust the U.S. into World War II.

What events made the US go into World War 2?

The Japanese attacked Pearl harber the On Sunday, December 7, 1941, and the United States entered World War II the following day.

Why was the US dragged into world war 2?

The US was thrust into WWII by the Japanese attack on the Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

Was World War 2 over when Pearl Harbor happened?

No, the attack on Pearl Harbor actually began the war.

What attack brought America in to world war 2?

the attack on pearl harbor.

What was the world's response to the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Declaration of war.

What did the Pearl Harbor attack lead to?

world war 2

What country attacked Pearl Harbor during world war ll?

The attack on Pearl Harbor, in 1941, was carried out by Japan.

What event cause the US to enter world war ll?

Pearl Harbor.

What event which pushed Americans fully into World War 2 occurred on December 7th 1941?

That was the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.