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By means of persecution, paganism was gradually wiped out in much of the Roman Empire by the seventh century. The barbarian lands to the north and east remained pagan, but conquest and persecution gradually spread Christianity throughout these lands.

Russia adopted Christianity around 987, after the pagan Prince Vladimir of Kiev sent envoys to neighbouring lands to find out about other religions. He was persuaded of political advantages in adopting the Orthodox faith. St Patrick is said to have been born in Roman Britain in the sixth century and became a Christian missionary, spreading Christianity to Ireland. Pope Gregory sent the monk Augustine to England to evangelise the island, because paganism had become re-established. Augustine visited the king of Kent and convinced him it would be politically valuable to have continental support, and so converted him (and therefore the kingdom) to Christianity.

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Q: What events were involved in the spread of Christianity in medieval times?
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Where did Christianity spread to in 325 A.D.?

By 325ad Christianity had spread throughout the Roman Empire and to Britain. If you google "spread of Christianity map" you will find maps showing the spread.

Why did StPaul travel?

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How did the development of Christianity act as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe and the byzantine empire?

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Kings and Monasteries helped to spread Christianity.