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most of them believe that global warming is a real thing. However, we are not the ones causing it. A small portion of it is caused by humans, however, it is mostly just the Earth's natural warming and cooling process. There is nothing we can do to stop it. Global warming first started in the polar ice caps, when the intense cold there started to deteriorate the ozone layer. If you think about it, the earth has had many warming and cooling processes over the years. The dinosaurs had it like a jungle for a while, then there was the ice age for a few million years, now it is what we call "normal" weather, and now the earth is slowly starting to heat back up again. The ice caps will mealt, the weather will be a lot more intense, and it will be really hot and like a jungle everywhere, but it is just how the world works. Think of it like the earth giving other species a chance to live and come back. We will live on however. But, it will be a lot more crowded and there will be plenty of other problems, but it is not our fault. If you don't believe me, then go read some books!

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Q: What evidence are the climate change sceptics using to argue against climate change?
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The evidence is in the related question below. The critical evaluation you have to do yourself.

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Glacial shrinkage from year to year indicates our climate is not sufficiently cool to preserve glacial ice. This suggests the climate is warming, overall.

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stop being selfish care for the earth and not ur self

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They don't. Climate change occurs on the Earth. Sun spots and solar flares occur on the Sun. The Sun heating up could cause a climate change on the Earth, but sunspots and solar flares don't really have much to do with that.

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There are fossils of tropical rainforest plants in areas that are now dry desert. Either the land has moved (which has also happened), or the climate changed. This is one of the most obvious bits of evidence for past climate change, but there are numerous others.