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Q: What evidence is there that this force also pulls on objects closer to the surface of earth?
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What evidence is there that the gravitational pull also pulls on objects closer to the surface of earth?

the objects fall to the ground

Is the gravity on the moon as strong as gravity on earth?

That depends on exactly what you mean. The Law of Universal Gravitation has "universal" in the name for a reason. It's the same on the Moon as it is on Earth, and the gravitational constant is identical there. However, the mass of the Moon is quite a bit less than the mass of the Earth. Countering that slightly, the Moon is also smaller than the Earth, meaning objects on its surface are closer to its center than objects on the Earth's surface are to the Earth's center. The net result is that the Moon's surface gravity is about one sixth that of the Earth.

Which layer of the atmosphere is closer to earth's surface?

The Troposhere is the closest layer in the atmosphere to Earth's surface at a range of 0-10 km from the surface.

What percentage of the earth is covered by man-made objects?

man made objects cover about 32 % of the earth surface

What describes Earth's gravity?

Weight describes earth's gravity.As objects get closer to Earth, the pull of Earth's gravity increase

Would an object have a greater gravitational pull closer or farther from earth?

An object have greater gravitational pull closer from earth. As we get farther from earth, the gravitational pull becomes weaker. That is why objects sufficiently away from the earth do not fall on it.

When you are you closer to the Moon's surface or the earths core?

None, only the earths core is more closer, the moons surface is 37.000 Vertices from earth

Do objects become lighter as they get closer to the center of the earth?

Objects masses would not change, but the pull of gravity on an object from another object when the first is inside the other is effectively zero when the inside is at the center of mass of the outer. If the Earth were a thick walled but hollow sphere, objects would stick (weakly) to the inside surface as well as the outer.

Why is there most air closer to the surface?

because warm air move upwards and cool air due to gravity move closer to the earth surface

What force pulls objects down to earth's surface?


Objects near the surface of the earth fall because what are by the earth?

Gainnkn kinetic energy

Why is the surface of earth so much warmer than the surface of mars?

Because it's closer to the sun.