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Many protista contain chloroplasts.

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Q: What evidence shows that the kingdom Protista have a common ancestor with plants?
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Is there no evidence of a common ancestor?

There is lots of evidence for a common ancestor but I suggest you look at wikipedia's evidence for common descent or Talk origins 29 evidence for evolution.

Do dragons and vampires share a common ancestor?

There has been no evidence of such an ancestor.

Common name of kingdom protista?

The kingdom Protista (also known as Protoctista) includes organisms such as Protozoa, Algae and Fungus.

What is the evidence which shows that mollusks and annelids share a common ancestor?

Mollusks and segmented worms have a one-way digestive system, a separate mouth and anus, and their larvae are very similar. This is the best evidence that they have a common ancestor.

What kingdom does an Amoeba belong to?

Amoeba proteus, the common amoeba, is currently classified in Kingdom Amoebozoa. Older sources may list amoebae under the now-defunct Kingdom Protista or (in really old books) Kingdom Animalia. The change is because of the current trend to define taxonomic groups on evolutionary kinship.

Why do most systematists currently working on eukaryotic relationships consider kingdom protista and the five kingdom system obsolete?

The Kingdom Protista is polyphyletic including members derived from 2 or more ancestral forms not common to all members & thus do not reflect phylogeny. Among several alternate classifications, a popular 8-kingdom system recognizes 3 protist kingdoms (Archaezoa, Protista & Chromista) in place of the single kingdom Protista. However, the less inclusive version of the Kingdom Protista is still polyphyletic. Using nucleic acid sequencing, systematics has begun sorting out monophyletic groups.

The fact that all organisms have DNA as their genetic material is evidence that?

We all current life has a single common ancestor.

Examples of biochemical evidence of evolution?

Physiological similarities suggest the species evolved from the same ancestor.

What are 2 types of structural evidence?

Evidence that tells that, through the structures of two organisms, can be compared that we have a common ancestor and have evolved from them.

The occurrence of the same blood protein in a group of species provides evidence that these species?

descended from a common ancestor

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Homologous structures indicate a common ancestor

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