

What evidence suggest that ghosts are imagined?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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What evidence suggest ghosts are real? I believe that is the evidence.

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Q: What evidence suggest that ghosts are imagined?
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No, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the existence of ghosts.

Is there any evidence of ghosts?

There is no scientific evidence. Those who believe in ghosts will put forward non-scientific evidence.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that ghosts exist or that they have a language of their own. Claims of ghostly communication are often subjective experiences and vary across different cultural and personal beliefs.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that ghosts age in the same way living beings do. Ghosts are often considered to be spirits or energy that have passed on, so they may not experience the passage of time and aging as we do.

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There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of ghosts, and opinions on the subject vary greatly. Some people believe in bad or malevolent spirits, while others do not. Ultimately, whether or not ghosts, including bad ones, are real is a matter of personal belief.

Evidence for ghosts?

There are many different peices of evidence of ghosts, pictures videos, EVP's, and images on thermal cameras.

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You cannot. There is no reliable and definitive evidence that ghosts exist.

Are ghosts safe?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that ghosts pose any physical harm. However, some people believe they may be unsettling or disruptive. It ultimately depends on personal beliefs and perceptions.

Is the ghosts are real or not?

No, there is no scientific evidence that directly proves that ghosts exist. It is just folklore.

Is there such things as ghosts or is it all a myth?

yeah there are ghosts everywhere but there is no evidence i dont believe it.

How come we don't see ghosts?

Because there is no definitive evidence that such things as ghosts exist.

Are ghhost real?

Some people believe that ghosts are real. There does not seem to be any real scientific evidence or proof of the existence of ghosts, but there is also no evidence that they do not exist.