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Archeologists have found evidence of settlements and remains from people as they followed the herds through the generations. Today DNA also shows that man is from basically the same sources.

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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 14h ago

Evidence supporting the land bridge theory includes geological data showing the existence of land bridges connecting continents during periods of lower sea levels, as well as genetic and fossil evidence indicating the migration of species between continents. For example, the Bering Land Bridge is supported by the genetic similarities between indigenous peoples in Siberia and North America and by the presence of mammoth and bison fossils on both sides of the bridge.

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Q: What evidence supports the land bridge theory?
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How does the land bridge theory help scientist explain the movement of people from Aisa to North America?

The land bridge theory suggests that during the last Ice Age, a land bridge formed between Siberia and Alaska due to lower sea levels, allowing for the migration of people from Asia to North America. This theory helps scientists explain how early human populations could have crossed into North America from Asia via this land bridge, known as Beringia.

Where do most Scientists and archaeologists agree that nomadic hunters and seafarers migrated to the Americas from?

Most scientists and archaeologists agree that nomadic hunters and seafarers migrated to the Americas from Asia, specifically crossing the Bering land bridge around 15,000 years ago. This theory is supported by genetic, archaeological, and linguistic evidence.

What evidence of land feautures did Alfred wegener use?

Alfred Wegener used various pieces of evidence to support his theory of continental drift, including the fit of the continents, rock and fossil similarities across continents, glacial evidence, and similar geological features on different continents.

Why is a land bridge so important?

A land bridge is important because it connects two land masses, allowing for the migration of plants, animals, and even human populations. This can lead to the exchange of genetic diversity and the spread of species to new habitats. Additionally, a land bridge can facilitate trade and cultural exchange between regions.

The ice age provided access to the Americas through what land bridge?

The Bering Land Bridge, also known as Beringia, connected Asia and North America during the last ice age. This land bridge emerged as sea levels dropped due to the large amount of water locked in glaciers, allowing human migration from Asia to the Americas.

Related questions

What evidence supports the hypothesis that whales evolved from land-dwlling mammals?

Theory of evolution

How did the first Americans probably reach North America?

The truth is we don't know. The common theory has been by walking across the Bering Land bridge, but equal evidence supports by sea from Europe, Asia, and Oceans by hundreds to tens of thousands of years earlier.

How did the first native Americans probably reach north America?

The truth is we don't know. The common theory has been by walking across the Bering Land bridge, but equal evidence supports by sea from Europe, Asia, and Oceans by hundreds to tens of thousands of years earlier.

What was an argument used to dispute the theory of plate tectonics?

An argument that was used to dispute the theory of plate tectonics was the Land Bridge Theory. Land Bridge Theory held that shifting portions of dry land explained the finding of identical species on different continents. Plate Tectonic Theory gradually gained favor and eventually eliminated the Land Bridge Theory.

Why do scientists think that the first people crossed the land bridge?

to find riches

What does the land bridge theory explain form about 10000?

This theory explains how prehistoric people migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a land bridge from Siberia to Alaska.

What is the definition of land bridge theory?

The Land Bridge Theory refers to the migration of people from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere. It states that people crossed a frozen land bridge calked the Bering Strait to make their way into the Americas.

What artifacts would support the land bridge theory?


Bering Land Bridge Theory?

blah blah blah

What evidence supports the hypothesis that whales were land dwelling mammals?

they had hip bones

What is the theory of land bridges?

The Land Bridge Theory refers to the migration of people from the eastern hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere. It states that people crossed a frozen land bridge calked the Bering Strait to make their way into the Americas.

Why was wegener's theory not accepted by all scientists?

Wegner's theory was not accept because he didn't have much evidence to support his theory with and scientists thought that there might have been a land bridge between the continents. Another reason to why his theory was rejected was that he was a foreigner, by that; the scientists didn't really take him seriously.