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From Augustus' time, the legions were located in the border provinces to protect the empire from foreign invasion.

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Q: What evidence tells that the entire roman empire was unified?
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I think the rise of the Holy Roman Empire and the onset of the "Burning Times" is pretty good evidence ;)

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That the Empire was so unstable that, with the threat of incoming Eurasian peoples, it was unable to make a unified resistance.

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Who united the roman empire under a codified government?

A government is not codified and cannot be codified. What can be codified is the law. There was not anyone who unified the Roman Empire because the Roman empire was never divided. Maybe you have in mind Justinian I who commissioned the Corpus Juris Civils (Body of Civil Law) also known as the Justinian Code. This work codified Roman civil law.

Why did Justinian wanted his empire to be like the roman empire?

Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.Justinian was a Roman emperor and his empire was the Roman empire.