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"HER2 breast cancer is named for the gene that helps cells grow, divide and repair. If a woman has cancer in this gene it grows faster and has a greater chance of returning. Treatments available for this type of cancer include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and a lumpectomy or mastectomy."

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Q: What exactly is HER2 breast cancer and what treatments are available?
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What are some treatment options for breast cancer?

There are many options and treatments that you can use for breast cancer. Some of those treatments are internal medicine and radiation. You can also have a mammogram.

What are normal breast cancer treatments?

The typical treatments for breast cancer may include surgery or drugs. Some treatments may last up to six months. But I feel surgery is your best bet. It can remove the cancer and get you back on your feet in no time.

Can people die from having breast cancer twice?

Untreated yes. I am a 2x breast cancer survivor and I am well. Had surgery, chemo and radiation, its a long process, but new drugs and treatments are constantly made available. There is always HOPE.

Her 2 positive breast cancer?

If someone has tested positive for breast cancer there are several treatments they can have. A doctor will be able to discuss the options.

What is cancer treatments?

Chemotherapy treatment, radiotherapy treatment, and breast cancer surgery are the most common types of treatments that battle multiple forms of cancer. India has the best Cancer Treatment.

What are the more successful breast cancer treatment options?

There are many different options for breast cancer treatment. There are no cures for cancer. Some options for treatment include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, and homeopathic remedies. The best course of treatment depends on the individual and how advanced the cancer is.

What type of treatments do breast cancer patients undergo?

The type of treatments that breast cancer patients undergo include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, breast reconstruction. One can go to the Willows Support Team in Canada for more information.

If someone has breast cancer what is the medical treatment?

Depending on the severity of the breast cancer the treatments usually areMastectomy, lumpectomy, chemo therapy and radiation. Different combinations of the treatments are used. The doctor should explain ALL of them.

What improvement to previously practiced treatments for breast cancer does quadrantectomy represent?

Prior to the advent of breast-conserving surgeries, total mastectomy (complete removal of the breast) was considered the standard surgical treatment for breast cancer.

What kind of cancer treatments are available?

There are 3 main ways to treat cancer. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Other treatments are available, but rarely used. But all cancer treatments can damage the patient severely and no treatment is guaranteed to work.

Is medical marijuana cheaper than radiation or chemotherapy for treatment of breast cancer?

Medical marijuana is not a treatment for breast cancer. Medical marijuana is sometimes used to help with symptoms of breast cancer treatments, but it doesn't cure the disease.

Can you get get breast implants for free if you have breast cancer?

Breast reconstruction is usually available on the National Health Service following breast cancer. Breast implants can be used to reconstruct the breast if required.