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The Romans didn't have any exercise equipment. In the baths there were hot water tubs, cold water tubs, and a lounge area. People in ancient Rome didn't need to have equipment to exercise because they got plenty on a daily basis ( not like people today). They had to walk everywhere, do much more work to get daily chores done, reap, plant, grow crops, make candles, spin wool, feed animals, hand carry everything, push carts, and do what ever else they needed to get done. It required a lot more effort and physical ability than the people who sit around all day do today. Everything was made by hand.

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Q: What exercise equipment was in the Romans baths?
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Where could romans go to exercise?

The Romans had several options for exercise. The public baths were all equipped with exercise areas as well as many private baths/spas. Rome also had many outdoor parks with open areas for ball playing, running and tag games.

What did the Romans build in the Balkan countries?

the Romans built public baths

How many baths have the Romans built so far?

101 baths that the Romans have built so far

What type of exercise did Romans do at baths?

The sports that Roman men played the outdoors palaestra (gym) of the Roman baths depended on the size of the baths. The bigger the baths, the more sporting facilities it had. They were ball games, boxing, wrestling, punching a bag, weight lifting and the throwing of the discus. The bigger baths also had an athletics track.

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it was the romans

How are health clubs today different than the public baths of rome?

Our health clubs today differ from the Roman baths in that they have modern exercise equipment and generally there are no outside sales of goods allowed. The personal services of a modern health club are generally limited to a personal trainer or a massage person, whereas the Romans had all personal services available plus food and drink and in some cases even libraries. Our health clubs are physical training centers, whereas the Roman baths, in addition to having physical exercise available, were socio-recreation centers.

Did the Romans built the Roman Baths?

Yes, Romans did build the roman baths...if they didn't, it wouldn't be called ''Roman-Bath''

Who lived in the Roman baths?


Who invented Public Baths?

it was the romans

Did the Romans have baths?

Romans did have baths , they had 3 types a cold one a warm one and a hot one. They were found in the middle of the city.

Are the Romans baths still the same today?


Who could use the public baths?

the Romans did of course