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Q: What exercise is best to prevent gout attacks?
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What are presciption drug to prevent gout?

Currently, there is no cure for gout. If you have been prescribed medicines for gout, it is important that you take those medicines as instructed to prevent future attacks. And making changes in your diet is also an effective way to deal with gout.

How are recurrent gout attacks treated?

physicians may prescribe additional drugs that either help the body get rid of uric acid or reduce the amount of uric acid the body produces. These drugs will not relieve gout attacks that already have started, but will help prevent attacks

Why should the doses of long-term gout treatments be slowly increased?

lowering the concentration of uric acid can cause gout attacks. Thus, patients taking these medications should have the dose slowly increased (and uric acid levels slowly lowered) to prevent acute attacks of gout.

Which kind of meditation is needed for gout treatment?

For treatment of gout "attacks" your physician may recommend a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, Colchicine (for those not tolerant of a NSAID), or steroids. To prevent "attacks" you may be prescibed a xanthine oxidase inhibitor (this includes allopurinol and febuxostat.

What is the best type of Dr to treat gout?

Standard medical treatment of acute attacks of gout includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Does cinnamon cause gout attacks?

No. Gout is caused by excessive uric acid.

What is a cure for gout?

There is no cure. Treatment with drugs, usually colchchine, and diet. Gout is caused by a build up of uric acid. Dietary restrictions include wild game , heavy sauces and gravies. Henry VIII suffered from gout due to unrelenting overindulgence in food and drink.

What is the treatment plan for gout?

Make sure you see your doctor in order to determine the right treatment plan for your gout. Medications may help control the pain and the swelling. Daily colchicine therapy can help prevent future attacks if you experience chronic gout. Prevention is most important - discover what triggers attacks for you and try to limit your intake, such as alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea, animal proteins and veggies such as peas, beans, spinach and lentils.

Can eat chocolate for gout patience?

Hi Theobramin in Chocolate in very rich of purines so it can start gout attacks.

What is colchicines?

Colchicine is a prescribed drug or medication used in the treatment of gout. Patients take this medication to prevent gout attacks that present symptoms like joint pain in toes. The symptoms of gout occur when there is a buildup of uric acid in the blood.

Is there any harm in walking for exercise between flareups for someone whose gout has affected an ankle?

No, there is no harm in walking for exercise between flareups for someone whose gout has affected the ankle.

What is the treatment of the gout?

alleviating pain, avoiding severe attacks in the future, and preventing long-term joint damage