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Kicks, leaps, pushing down in splits

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4y ago

I took 10 day split challenge for both middle split and front split and was able to do both.

Exercises - Downward dog + upward dog, half split, frog stretch, pigeon stretch, butterfly stretch

Stretching TIP - try Dynamic stretching, Pnf stretching,

Detailed journey on my channel.

my YouTube channel - Madhvi Mahajan_fitness&travel

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Q: What exercise will help you do the splits?
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Related questions

How do people do splits?

Some have the natural flexibility, and others warm up and exercise their body to be able to do it.

How long does it take to have your middle splits?

Getting your splits is a matter of daily practice. They won't happen by themselves, but regular stretching and exercise will get you there. Google "how to do the splits" and see fitforafeast video by Katrina and Sloane on some great stretches for getting the splits. They did a second video also on their youtube channel, Good Luck!

Will exercise help grow a mustache?

No, exercise will not help grow a moustache.

Do you need to be able to do the splits before you can stradle?

No, you do not have to know how to do the splits before you can straddle. People are different where some can do straddles before splits. It all depends on the body type and hips. For both splits and straddles though, it does help to have more flexible hamstrings. By working your hamstring flexibility, both your splits and straddles will improve.

exercise will not ex?

exercise will not exacerbate this, it will either do nothing or help it

How can a exercise specialist help eating disorders?

Anorexics often over-exercise or exercise enough to lose weight. An exercise specialist could work to help create a plan that would not harm the patient any further and would help them with their recovery.

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Which muscles do the Chin Up Station help exercise?

Chin Up stations help exercise the biceps and triceps with the flexing action, while the elevation and declination help exercise the abdominal muscle groups.

What can exercise do to you?

Exercise can help you in a number of ways ranging from physical to mental.

What help can a personal trainer provide a person that has had a stroke?

They can help with the rehabilitation exercise which can help with the recovery process and also help them with maintaining the exercise while they are also at home.

Do you have to have a split to be a dancer?

No, you don't have to have your splits to be a dancer! Though having your splits would help, you can still be a dancer without being able to do a split. I'd advise stretching your splits often, though, as this will increase flexibility and make it easier to leap and do other dance moves. I am a dancer and I can do the splits, but I know many dancers that cannot and they are still talented.

What can you practice to get in the poms squad?

Splits, leaps, turns, jazz and hip hop/cheerleading will help.