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Usually, you would need to go to college or a training school, just like a human doctor. Hopefully, youl'll love animals and want to help them.

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Q: What experience do you need to be a vet?
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Do people need experience to be a vet?

Yes, you do need experience in handling and helping sick animals. This is because if you didn't have experience in being a vet, you might harm the animals or worse. If you want to become a vet, then you would have to be told what do do, practice it, then do it for real. Maybe asking a vet would help as well. Hope I helped ;D

What trining experience does a veterenian need?

a vet needs a highschool diploma and a university degree wich is always required you would also need experience with pets `cause vets can`t speek. do you want to become a vet? a vet needs a highschool diploma and a university degree wich is always required you would also need experience with pets `cause vets can`t speek. do you want to become a vet?

What are the steps you need to follow to be a vet?

Get good grades in science subjects, get lots of work experience, apply to a vet school

Before going to college or veterinary school do you need experience in a vet's office or with animals?

In Israel you dont need any kind of experience before going to veterinary school.

Can you nuter a guinea pig?

yes but you would need awful small surgical instruments. You can't. A exotic vet with experience can.

What education and training does a vet need?

a vet need's a profetional vet to train with

Does a vet salary increase with years of experience?


How do you be a vet?

First do your graduation from the School of Veterinary & start practice in Veterinary Clinic to get more experience and knowledge.

How can you get work experience as a vet?

It is unlikely you will be able to get work experience as a vet, however if you want to become a vet you should be able to get work experience at a vets near you. You will probably just watch demonstartions and learn more about animals. If you cannot get work experience at a vets, working at a farm with animals is always good.

What do you need to be a vet tech?

To be a lay tech, all you need is a high school degree or GED and hands-on experience and training in veterinary technician procedures. To be a registered veterinary technician you need to complete 2 to 4 years of vet tech college and get a state license by passing the state board exam.

Where can you obtain training for becoming a vet?

how to becaome a vet and wat educaition and training you need to become a vet how to becaome a vet and wat educaition and training you need to become a vet yofyfyufikliuop[;'#

Do you need to become an intern to become a vet?

No, you do not have to complete an internship to become a veterinarian. However, as part of your application to veterinary college in the US, you will need to both list hours of veterinary experience in which you either worked with/under a licensed vet or you job-shadowed a vet and provide 2-3 letters of recommendations from current veterinarians.