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Sound needs gases to travel through, therefore it does not exist in a vacuum. In other words to my knowledge there is no experiments where sound is created in a vacuum.

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Q: What experiment shows the notion of sound in a vacuum?
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In the bell jar experiment, the foam block is used to represent the lifting force acting on an object. The vacuum pump is used to create a low-pressure environment inside the bell jar, causing the foam block to rise as the air pressure decreases, showcasing the concept of buoyancy and air pressure in a visual way.

What is an experiment to demonstrate that sound requires a medium to travel?

One experiment is to use a bell inside a vacuum chamber. When the chamber is evacuated of air, the sound of the bell will not be heard because there is no medium (air) for the sound waves to travel through. This demonstrates that sound requires a medium to propagate.

Sound do not travel in vacuum prove by experiment?

Take a marinator with the hand vacuum pump 1. place your mobile phone inside seal it with the lid. now remove the air inside using the hand pump. Listen to the sound .. Gradually it will decrease.

How does the speed of sound change in a vacuum?

In a vacuum, sound cannot travel because there are no molecules to transmit the sound waves. Therefore, the speed of sound in a vacuum is technically zero.

Experiment to show that sound cannot travel through a vacuum?

-> Suspend an electric bell in an airtight bell jar attached to a vacuum pump. -> Turn on the electric bell. -> Pump out all the air in the bell jar using the vacuum pump. -> The sound of the bell should get fainter as air is pumped out. -> Finally no sound can be heard even though the hammer can be seen hitting the bell

What does not make sound?

A vacuum does not make sound. Unlike a vacuum cleaner, which does!

Can sound travle to space?

Space is a vacuum. Sound cannot travel in vacuum

How fast is the speed of sound in a vacuum?

The speed of sound cannot be measured in a vacuum because there is no medium for sound waves to travel through in a vacuum. Sound requires a medium such as air, water, or solids to propagate.

Can people here sound in space?

No. Sound is the vibration of air. Sound will not travel in a vacuum. Space is a vacuum

What is the vowel sound in notion?

The word notion has a long O and an unstressed schwa (shun, shen).

Where is there no sound?

There is no sound in space or a vacuum.

Why does the sound not travel through vacuum?

Sound waves require a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to travel because they propagate through the vibration of molecules in that medium. In a vacuum, there are no molecules for the sound waves to interact with, so they cannot travel through it.