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Q: What explorer concord the Aztecs?
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Who concord the Aztecs?

Hernan Cortez was said to have taken over the aztecs but ultimately it was diseases the spanish ultimately unleashed on the aztecs to defeat them

Who concord Aztecs?

Hernan Cortez was said to have taken over the aztecs but ultimately it was diseases the spanish ultimately unleashed on the aztecs to defeat them

What explorer brutally murdered the Aztecs?

Hernand Cortez brutally murdered the Aztecs.

An explorer who fought and subdued the Aztecs?

In 1521, Hernando Cortez fought and subdued the Aztecs.

What spanish explorer took over the Aztecs?

Hernan Cortes led the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century. Through a combination of military strategies, alliances with indigenous groups, and technological advantages, Cortes and his forces defeated the Aztecs under the leadership of Moctezuma II.

Spanish conquerors of great Indian civilizations?

Cortes and Pizarro, Cortes concord the Aztecs in 1519 and Pizarro concord the Incas in1532.

Which European leader conquered the Aztecs why?

Hornan Cortes was a very cruel explorer who also conquered the Aztecs.

Who was the spanish explorer that conqered the Aztecs?

The Conquistador Hernando Cortes who conquered the Aztecs on August 13, 1521.

What explorer defeated the Aztecs and concerted Mexico?

Hernando cortez

Who was Hernando cortez and how did he help bring about the end of the Aztecs?

He was a crazy spanish explorer who brought the end to the Aztecs. What a crazy fool the Aztecs were as smart as were we are today in society.

Why is Hernando Cortes the best explorer?

he was able to conquer the strong Aztecs