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The Conquistador Hernando Cortes who conquered the Aztecs on August 13, 1521.

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Q: Who was the spanish explorer that conqered the Aztecs?
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Who conqered the Aztecs?

The Spaniards and the leader Hernando cortez

What spanish explorer took over the Aztecs?


What hernand cortez accoomplished?

hernan Cortes was a spanish explorer who conquered the Aztecs

What Spanish explorer defeated the Aztecs in Mexico City in 1521?

Hernan Cortes

Who was Hernando cortez and how did he help bring about the end of the Aztecs?

He was a crazy spanish explorer who brought the end to the Aztecs. What a crazy fool the Aztecs were as smart as were we are today in society.

What Spanish explorer conquered the Aztecs?

blank dont cheat stupid kids hahahahahahhahahah

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Who was the spaniard who conquered the Aztecs in Mexico?

Hernan Cortez was the Spanish explorer and adventurer, not soldier, who conquered the Aztecs

Who was Hernando Cortez and how did he help bring about the end of the Aztec civilization?

He was a crazy spanish explorer who brought the end to the Aztecs. What a crazy fool the Aztecs were as smart as were we are today in society.

How did the spanish defeat the Aztecs?

The Spanish had guns and the Aztecs did not.

Who was hernan Cortes and what did he do -?

Hernando Cortez was a Spanish explorer and Conquistador. He Landed his expedition in the American southwest in search of riches for the Spanish Empire. The expedition eventually made its way to Tenochtitlan where the Aztec capital was located(modern Mexico City). He convinced the Aztecs that he was a god and is responsible for conquering the Aztecs

How did the Spanish view the Aztecs?

the spanish thought of the aztecs as slaves