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Q: What Spanish explorer conquered the Aztecs?
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Who was the spanish explorer that conqered the Aztecs?

The Conquistador Hernando Cortes who conquered the Aztecs on August 13, 1521.

What hernand cortez accoomplished?

hernan Cortes was a spanish explorer who conquered the Aztecs

Who was the spaniard who conquered the Aztecs in Mexico?

Hernan Cortez was the Spanish explorer and adventurer, not soldier, who conquered the Aztecs

Which European leader conquered the Aztecs why?

Hornan Cortes was a very cruel explorer who also conquered the Aztecs.

Reasons why the spanish conquered the Aztecs?

The Spanish conquered the Aztecs to take their vast amount of gold, precious metals, and jewels.

Who conquered the mighty Aztecs?

The Spanish

Why did the Spanish concord the Spanish?

Spanish did not conquered the Spanish? They conquered the Aztecs in Mexico. They wanted land and were searching for gold.

Who concured the Aztecs?

The Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish, led by Hernan Cortes.

Who conquered the Aztecs and what motivated this?

spanish conquisttadors

Which Spanish explorer conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico Inca empire in Peru?

Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) conquered the Aztecs in Mexico, while Francisco Pizarro (1471?-1541) conquered the Inca Empire.

Which spanish explorer conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico the Inca empire in Peru?

Hernan Cortes (1485-1547) conquered the Aztecs in Mexico, while Francisco Pizarro (1471?-1541) conquered the Inca Empire.

Were the Aztecs Spanish?

The Aztecs were a tribe and empire in Mexico that were conquered by the Spanish under Hernan Cortes in 1521.