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Q: Who was the Spanish leader who came to Tenochtitlan and conquered the Aztecs?
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Who was the leader of the Aztecs when Cortes conquered Tenochtitlan?

Montezuma the sekond

Leader of the Spanish conquistadors who conquered the Aztecs?

Hernando Cortes

Who was the leader of the Spanish army before they conquered the Aztecs?

a spanish dude probably Cortes

Montezuma II biography?

He was the leader of the Aztecs in Tenochtitlan when the Spanish arrived. Read more about him at the attached link.

Who was the leader if the Aztecs when Cortezconquered Tenochtitlan?

Montezuma was the ninth Aztec Emperor, ruler at the beginning of the Spanish conquest of Mexico

Who was the ruler of the Aztecs at the time of their conquest by the Spainards?

In 1521, the year Spain conquered the Aztecs, Cuauhtémoc was the leader of the Aztecs. In 1525, Cuauhtémoc was executed by the Spanish.

Who was leader of the Aztecs when cortez conquered tenochtitlan?

The leader of the Aztec Empire during Cortes' conquest of Tenochtitlan was Cuauhtemoc. Cuauhtemoc was captured and later tortured for the location of gold. Finally he was later executed when Cortes believed he was conspiring to kill Cortes.

What leader conquered Aztecs?


What happened first the Spanish conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico or the Spanish conquered the Inca empire in South America?

Who was the leader of the Spanish army that conquered the Inca Empire? Francisco Pizarro in 1535 Who conquered the Aztec empire? Herman Cortes conquered the Aztecs in 1519.

Which European leader conquered the Aztecs why?

Hornan Cortes was a very cruel explorer who also conquered the Aztecs.

Who was the leader of the Aztecs when the Europeans first arrived in Tenochtitlan?

montezuma the II

What did the Spanish do to Tenochtitlan?

Massacred them; the arrival of the Spanish, particularly Cortes, their leader, having been welcomed by the Aztecs as the long-awaited return of their god Qetzalcoatl, the 'plumed serpent'. After initial good relations between the Spaniards and Aztecs there were complications caused by political intervention on both sides, and the situation deteriorated to the point of the aforementioned massacre and destruction of the capital Tenochtitlan, despite the Spanish being vastly outnumbered by the Aztecs, but possessing firearms and horses.