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The yolk sac

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Q: What extra embryonic membrane is the first site for red blood cell formation?
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What is the large peripheral blood vessels into which extra-embryonic blood vessels open?

vitilline vein

Name and describe the purpose of the 4 extra embryonic membranes?

The extra embryonic membranes are; chrion, amnion, allantois, and yolk sac

Which grop has four extra embryonic membranes aquatic or land animals?

Land Mammals

What is inter membrane?

It is the extra-Cellular matrix - opposite of the intra-membrane space, the Cytoplasm.

What does the cytoplasm and the cell membrane do?

the cell membrane is an extra layer after the cell wall to control what comes in and out.

What is inter membrane space?

It is the extra-Cellular matrix - opposite of the intra-membrane space, the Cytoplasm.

What extra part does a bird's egg have?

A cell membrane

What are the extra membranes in reptiles?

It's called the Nictitating membrane

What is the structure of an umbilical cord?

The umbilical cord is a tough membrane that covers the two arteries (the umbilical arteries) and one vein (the umbilical vein) that are coated in Wharton's jelly. Wharton's jelly is a gelatinous substance within the umbilical cord. It is derived from extra-embryonic mesoderm.

What does ECF mean?

extra cellular fluid. that outwith the cell membrane.

What is structure function and importance of extraembryonic membranes?

Extra-embryonic membranes include Chorion , Amnion , Allontois and Yolk sac . They are formed in Amniotes including Reptiles , Birds and Mammals . They are formed only during development and are of essential for development of Amniotes .1 : Chorion : It is outermost extra-embryonic membrane . It is formed by ectoderm and mesoderm . Its major function is protection in reptiles and birds . In mammals it helps in formation of Placenta and umbilical cord along with allontois .2 : Amnion: It is made up of mesoderm and ectoderm . It contains amniotic fluid for protection which acts as shock absorber . It has evolutionary significance .3 : Allontois; It is made up of endoderm and ectoderm .In reptiles and birds it helps in respiration and excretion . In mammals it helps in formation of umbilical cord .4 Yolk Sac : It is made up of endoderm and ectoderm . It is more important in reptiles and birds as it protects yolk . In mammals it is not importantPlacenta in mammals help in nutrition respiration and excretion .

What concept explains the presence of mitochondria in cell?

The concept that explains the presence of mitochondria in cells is the endosymbiotic theory. Mitochondria in cells derived from the extra embryonic membranes.