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According to the leading theories, it is the relativistic distortion of space/time around a singularity that prevents us from seeing a black hole directly. Light follows the curvature of space. Space curves due to gravity (or more apt perhaps is the statement that gravity *is* the distortion of space). Space around a singularity of sufficient mass is curved to such an extent that a ray of light, once entering the region of curved space surrounding the singularity, is forced to either spiral inwards towards the singularity or follow a circular path around the singularity, never to exit that region again. Since no light can escape from the region surrounding the singularity, the singularity itself can not be seen. The demarkation between the region where light is just barely able to escape the relativistic distortion and where it is not is called the 'event horizon'.

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Q: What factor makes a black hole invisible?
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What makes a black hole stronger?

If a black hole is more massive (it has more mass), it will have a stronger gravitational attraction.

If your body is a black hole are you invisible?

Black holes are invisible to the visible light spectrum and many others because their gravity is so strong it pulls in even light. So in theory yes. But a human body is FAR too light to ever form a black hole. However, if you define visibility as human perception of it, while we never see light from a black hole, we would notice the absence of light in an area, so even if it were possible to turn your body into a black hole, no one would see you, but the would see a black gap in space where you should be...

If nothing can escape a black hole in outer space how can you see photos of a black hole?

The answer is, you cannot see photos of a black hole. You are quite right; not even light can escape a black hole's incredible gravity, so all black holes are completely invisible. It is possible, however, to see long trails of matter that is being pulled into a black hole. The way we detect black holes from earth, however, is by picking up the gamma rays that they emit.

Can you see a black hole with a telescope?

No, because nothing can escape the black hole, not even light. So without light, we can't see anything. but, we can see stars being stretched like spaghetti and then being sucked into the black hole.

Can black holes explode if they suck too much energy?

No. Any energy that enters a black hole simply becomes part of its mass. This only makes the black hole's gravity stronger.

Related questions

What is invisible to the naked eye but if put in a barrel makes it lighter?

A hole

Are black holes invisable?

Yes and no. It is rather hard to explain, because black holes are so dark and black that no living creature can see them, which in a sense makes them invisible, but you can also see where a black hole is because it sucks in light, too, so that would also, in a sense make it visible, but the my main answer would be, no black holes are not invisible.

What is invisible because its gravity is so strong no form of radiation can escape from it?

The Answer is "Black Hole"

Are the things travel faster than light when they enter inside black hole so they become invisible?


What makes a black hole stronger?

If a black hole is more massive (it has more mass), it will have a stronger gravitational attraction.

Are blackholes really white?

No, black holes are actually invisible because it can suck it Light as well, so no light can escape from the black hole.

If your body is a black hole are you invisible?

Black holes are invisible to the visible light spectrum and many others because their gravity is so strong it pulls in even light. So in theory yes. But a human body is FAR too light to ever form a black hole. However, if you define visibility as human perception of it, while we never see light from a black hole, we would notice the absence of light in an area, so even if it were possible to turn your body into a black hole, no one would see you, but the would see a black gap in space where you should be...

If nothing can escape a black hole in outer space how can you see photos of a black hole?

The answer is, you cannot see photos of a black hole. You are quite right; not even light can escape a black hole's incredible gravity, so all black holes are completely invisible. It is possible, however, to see long trails of matter that is being pulled into a black hole. The way we detect black holes from earth, however, is by picking up the gamma rays that they emit.

How do you know when there is a black hole?

black holes are invisible because its gravitational pull is so strong even light cant escape from it. so what scientists do is they look at things around the black hole. if there is a black hold near a planet or star that objects orbit will be altered and it will be heating up from the friction of going into the hole.

Do supermassive black holes swallow quasars?

No, a supermassive black hole is what makes a quasar.

Can a black hole move a planet?

Yes, a black hole can move a planet. Black holes are so massive that they can alter the orbits of stars and star systems. This makes changing planetary motion nothing to a black hole.

Is a quasar a galaxy with a super-massive black hole in its center?

Yes, a quasar is a galaxy with a super-massive black hole in its center. The hole being invisible, all light vanishing from the great gravity. The quasar itself, among the brightest, most luminous objects in the universe, is being powered by an accretion disc around the black hole.