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Q: What factors contributed to the Red Scare and the Palmer Raids Which followed World War 1?
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Who was the Head of state in 1914 in US?

President Woodrew Wilson. He appointed A. Mitchell Palmer as his general. Once appointed Mitchell changed his ideas about civil rights. He believed that the Russian comunists were trying to overthrow the US government. He arrested 16,000 SUSPICIOUS people total. Most of these people were releasd , but some were deported to Russia. This became known as the Palmer Raids. People began to dislike Palmer and he made the Espionage and Sedition acts in 1917 and 1918.

By AD 450 the Anglo-Saxon raids on England were?

By 450 AD, the Anglo-Saxon raids on England were a regular occurrence!

Internal causes and the external factors that led to Confederation?

internal: -repeal of the corn laws - political deadlock -the railway external: -manifest destiny -the Trent affair -the chesapeake incident -the st.alban's raid -the fenian raids -end of reciprocity AND THATS IT. :) internal: -repeal of the corn laws - political deadlock -the railway external: -manifest destiny -the Trent affair -the chesapeake incident -the st.alban's raid -the fenian raids -end of reciprocity AND THATS IT. :)

What was the main difference between the raids of Mahmud of Ghazni and those of Muhammad Ghori?

Mahmud of Ghazni normally made raids and attacks on northern India. he used to raid and go back. However Muhammad Ghori captured land and settled there. he did not make many raids but he conquered

How many people were arrested for freedom of speech during World War 1?

The most famous was Eugene Debs, a socialist and a member of the IWW ("International Workers of the World", often said to mean "I Won't Work" because they liked to go on strike, frequently called the "Wobblies"). Debs ran for president five times, in 1900, 1904, 1908 and 1912, and the final time in 1920, running from his prison cell. Debs had finished third in the 1912 election with 6% of the popular vote. In 1920 Debs, in prison, got close to a million votes, more than he ever had before. Debs was sentenced to ten years for violating the Espionage Act of 1917. Debs had given a speech in which he urged people to resist the military drafts used to fill the WWI armies with fresh cannon fodder. Woodrow Wilson called him a "traitor" and Debs was arrested during the "Palmer Raids", all part of the first "Red Scare" in America. Palmer was the Attorney General of the US for Woodrow Wilson. Over 6000 people were arrested in the Palmer raids, thought to be communists and held for suspicion of sedition.Other people were arrested for handing out leaflets to men at draft induction centers urging them to resist the draft.