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Q: What factors create and sustain an organization's culture?
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What factors create and sustain an organizational culture?

bon..seki li pe dire la...bizen kne create..ek sustain.. zot kner ki eT sa?

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The imbalance of one goup over another (more of one then the other).

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Positive factors will create a positive product.Negative factors will create a positive product.A negative and a positive factor will create a negative product.

Why do most organizations need to create a budget?

Because organizations don't have an unlimited amount of money. They can't waste it all.

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All 3 things around the triangle you need to create and sustain fire - heat-fuel-oxygen. If you take any of them out you can not produce or sustain a fire.

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in what ways did enslaved Africans create their own unique culture in the Americas

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The Roaring 20s was created due to the World War 1, due to that an abundance of immigrants migrated to America.

Does society create religion or does religion create society?

Create? Neither can create the other. Shape or influence? Certainly. History shows that they borrow from each other and shape each other. The main religion in a culture typically supports the culture, just as the culture supports it; each accommodating the other.

Can culture create a better future?

Yes, it can. :-)))

What two cultures blended together to create a Russian culture?

The two cultures the blended to help create Russian culture were, the Slavic and Byzantine traditions