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Kilwa, a city state on the coast of East Africa, was a one of the most important and successful trade cities in East Africa. One reason that Kilwa was successful, is it's location. It was as far south as a dhow, the sailboat used by the Arabs for sea journeys, could go in one monsoon. A monsoon is a seasonal wind, either Northeast, which would get you from Arabia to Kilwa, or the Southwest monsoon, that would get you to Arabia. Because Kilwa was the farthest south a boat would go, any city state farther south had to send their goods up to Kilwa to be traded and merchants in Kilwa could make a profit by charging a tax. Another reason for Kilwa's success was the goods they traded. Arabia had coffee, India had pepper, China had tea, silk and porcelain, and Indonesia had spices. Africa had somthing different to offer, ivory which was considered to be the plastic of that time because it was easy to carve, and gold, a precious metal.

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