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Q: What factors helped many African countries achieve independence after 1960?
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Why do you think many countries including Asian countries have struggled after independence from colonialism?

The cause of this may be related to the fact that independence came too suddenly. Independence (democratic self government) requires the electorate to have the educational background to vote sensibly and further requires that tribalism and corruption are not significant factors in the election. It took the colonial powers hundreds of years to achieve a functional, inclusive, emancipated electorate. It is therefore hardly surprising that there are difficulties when colonialism was dismantled so precipitously.

Who controlled all North Africa?

North Africa countries are all Islamic countries and mostly speaking Arabic language. Accordingly, Islam religion rules and teachings are the factors controlling North African countries.

What country colonized there and why?

It is hard to tell what country colonized there and why since there are no specifics. However, most African countries were colonized by Western countries. The main reason was the resources available among other factors.

Why is it hard for African nations to build stable democracies?

Many factors contribute to the lack of political maturity in African countries, including corruption, economic mismanagement, tyranny, political intolerance and lack of solid institutions.

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th declaration of independence

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The US Constitution and state constituions

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Factors that helped some West African societies to become wealthy include the presence of oil and gas reserves.

Why does the modernization theory fail to capture the complexities of development of African?

The modernization theory fails to capture the complexities of development in Africa because it oversimplifies the path to development by assuming that all countries go through the same stages to progress. This theory also overlooks the historical context of colonialism and how it has impacted African countries' development trajectories. Additionally, it does not take into account the diverse cultural, social, and economic factors that shape development in each African nation.

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Food; Space; Weather