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Growing season, mostly Frost

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Q: What factors limits agriculture in the higher mountain zone to only potato and barley crops?
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What grain has the highest amount of energy oats corn barley or wheat?

Oats has a slightly higher amount of energy than corn and wheat, and much more than barley. Oats is, however, much higher in fibre content than either corn, wheat or barley.

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Changes in agriculture boost commerce through higher production

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The Cascade Mountains.

Who can jump higher then a mountain?

Everybody can jump higher then a mountain because mountains cant jump

What has higher pressure a mountain or a valley?

i think a valley does because when you climb a mountain the air pressure decreases the higher you go.

Why is normal farming not possible in mountain region?

Several factors, for one, if you're on the wrong side of the mountain you could have a desert climate on your side. If you're on the other side you get a lot of water. Farming on the mountain itself is difficult because of the change in altitude and how cold it gets. The higher up on a mountain you go the less vegetation you'll find.

Is Everest higher than mt Vinson?

Mount Everest is higher than any mountain because it is the highest mountain in the world.

What type of mountain is formed when higher blocks fault?

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Will temperature be higher or lower in a mountain?

it is lower temperature when you to mountain,because its cold there

How high is the mountain rocky?

There are 54 mountain peaks in the Colorado Rockies that are higher than 14,000 feet.

What factors affects pressure?

There are two factors that affect gas pressure. These factors are temperature and volume. Higher volume means lower pressure. Higher temperature means higher pressure.