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unsaturated fat

-Biology student at U of Manitoba

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Q: What fat type has more hydrogen atoms attached to carbon atoms?
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Why are alkanes more saturated?

This is because they have a large number of hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon atoms

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Glucose is defined as?

A simple sugar (carbohydrate.) Carbohydrate comes from carbon and hydrogen. All carbohydrates are carbon chains with attached hydrogen atoms. The formula for glucose is C6 H12 O6. 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen atoms. The carbon atoms form a chain with little clusters of H's and O's attached to each one. More complicated carbohydrates are made up of longer chains. We gain energy from metabolizing glucose by breaking the bonds. The releases the energy used to form them.

What Lipids have more what then they do oxygen atoms?

Potatoes and apples

An organic molecule always contains one or more atoms of?

An organic molecule comprises of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. It may contain two or more atoms.

A molecule is said to be organic if it contains?

An organic molecule is a molecule and that contains carbon atoms that are connected to hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen atoms. Glucose has carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms so it is organic.

Is hydrogen present in amino acids?

Yes Amino acids are made up of an amino group which has 2 hydrogen atoms and a carboxyl group which also has 2 hydrogen atoms. It then has other groups attached to it which could have many many more hydrogen atoms added to it

What is the difference in structure between a saturated and an unsaturated compound?

the difference in structure between a saturated and an unsaturated compound is found in their bonds. A Saturated compound contain only one carbon-carbon signle bond. all the four bonds of carbon are fully utilised and no more hydrogen or other atoms can attach to it. Thus, they can undergo only substitution reactions. (aka ALKANES). An Unsaturated Compound contain one double covalent bond between carbon atoms or a triple covalent bond between carbon atoms. the bonds of carbon are not fully utilised by hydrogen atoms, more of these can be attached to them. Thus, they undergo addition reactions as they have two or more hydrogen atoms less than the saturated hydrocarbons

What is true of saturated fatty acid?

They have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms.

Is an atom organic?

Organic substances contain carbon and hydrogen atoms. Organic compounds are formed by bonding carbon and hydrogen atoms. There can be more elements too. An atom can never be organic.

Why is there so much more in a mole of sugar than carbon?

Sugar is composed of 22 atoms of hydrogen, 12 atoms of carbon as well as 11 atoms of oxygen

What are two atoms that are heavier than carbon?

Elements with atomic numbers 1-5 are lighter than carbon.