

Best Answer
  1. to make it go faster the wheel support path will help it and the propulsuion coil will help it
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Q: What features make Maglev trains economical?
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What is maglev?

"magnetic" "levitation" A cute way to make trains float - thus reducing rolling friction, but NOT air friction.

Can maglev trains be used as freight movers?

Under current technology, no. A maglev train cannot handle the weight of freight that would make it efficient.

What are the disadvantages of a MagLev train?

Cost, quite simply. As opposed to traditional trains where power comes from the pushcar of the train, a Maglev train doesnt propel itself, the track does. This means that expensive electromagnets with several electrical substations dotted along its path need to be constructed throughout the entire track's length. The initial cost of building these lines is too high for economically disadvantaged countries. The disadvantages of using the Maglev is that the Maglev tracks cost more than railroad tracks do. Whole new sets of tracks would need to be built for the Maglev to run. Many transportation vehicles in Europe run on existing track, like the TGV trains in France. Although Maglevs are pretty quiet, there is still noise caused by air disturbance. Also another disadvantage is that if a high speed line between two cities it built, then high speed trains can serve both cities but more importantly they can serve other nearby cities by running on normal railways that branch off the high speed line. The high speed trains could go for a fast run on the high speed line, then come off it for the rest of the journey. Maglev trains wouldn't be able to do that, they would be limited to where maglev lines run. It would be very difficult to make construction of maglev lines commercially viable unless there were two very large destinations being connected. Of the 5000km that TGV trains serve in France, only about 1200km is high speed line, meaning 75% of TGV services run on existing track. The fact that a maglev train will not be able to continue beyond its track may harm its usefulness.

Why didn't they complete a maglev train in the UScities?

It's all to do with magnetic repulsion - when the train is moving, the two magnets have the same pole, and so repel each other, creating a "cushion". It's a bit like the principle of two bar magnets in school, matching north pole to north pole.

What are the disadvantages of a train?

Cost, quite simply. As opposed to traditional trains where power comes from the pushcar of the train, a Maglev train doesnt propel itself, the track does. This means that expensive electromagnets with several electrical substations dotted along its path need to be constructed throughout the entire track's length. The initial cost of building these lines is too high for economically disadvantaged countries. The disadvantages of using the Maglev is that the Maglev tracks cost more than railroad tracks do. Whole new sets of tracks would need to be built for the Maglev to run. Many transportation vehicles in Europe run on existing track, like the TGV trains in France. Although Maglevs are pretty quiet, there is still noise caused by air disturbance. Also another disadvantage is that if a high speed line between two cities it built, then high speed trains can serve both cities but more importantly they can serve other nearby cities by running on normal railways that branch off the high speed line. The high speed trains could go for a fast run on the high speed line, then come off it for the rest of the journey. Maglev trains wouldn't be able to do that, they would be limited to where maglev lines run. It would be very difficult to make construction of maglev lines commercially viable unless there were two very large destinations being connected. Of the 5000km that TGV trains serve in France, only about 1200km is high speed line, meaning 75% of TGV services run on existing track. The fact that a maglev train will not be able to continue beyond its track may harm its usefulness.

What are facts about maglev trains?

Advantages : they'd be wonderful on the moon OR in vacuum tunnels bored through the Earth. Disadvantages : expensive, and by that I mean that their cost does not translate into savings. Like growing corn to make ethanol for fuel when the BTU's spent in fuel and fertilizer exceeds the BTU's you get from the alcohol.

Why do trains make a noise?

Trains make that noise because of the trains engines and pistons moving or huffing.

What is the best way to make a maglev boat toy ex where to put the sail or how long it should be?

In order to design a proper maglev boat toy you should consult This site has video on the ways a maglev boat is supposed to work, and you can use that information to design your own.

How do they make the magnets so strong for the Maglev train?

Lots of electricity ... which takes power.

How do you make mini maglev cars fast?

Put wires at a 45 degree angle upwards =)

Is levitate real?

Yes. Levitation can be achieved using magnetic fields, as with the maglev trains.

How are trains different from steam trains?

Steam trains were first. they use both fire and water to produce steam and make the engine run.