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Q: What features relate cephalopods to other mollusks?
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What two features do cephalopods share with humans that other mollusks do not?

Cephalopods are a phylum of mollusks that include squids, octopi, the chambered nautilus, and cuttlefish. All cephalopods have tentacles, most are carnivores, and they are all mollusks. All mollusks have a radula, or toothy tongue, a mantle, or thin layer of tissue that covers the organs and makes the shell, and a muscular foot.

What is an octopus related to?

They are most related to other cephalopods like squid or cuttlefish. They are distantly related to other mollusks such as oysters or slugs.

How is a cephalopods way of moving different from that of most mollusks?

Cephalopods are the only mollusks with a closed circulatory system. They have two gill hearts (also known as branchial hearts) that move blood through the capillaries of the gills. A single systemic heart then pumps the oxygenated blood through the rest of the body. Like most molluscs, cephalopods use hemocyanin, rather than hemoglobin to transport oxygen

Why is an octopus more closely related to a clam than a lobster?

Both Clams and Octopuses are Mollusks. Clams are under the subphylum Bivalves, and octopuses are cephalopods. Lobsters on the other hand, are not Mollusks. They are crustaceans. Also, an obvious difference is the lobsters exoskeleton.

What features of the chambered Nautilus are not found in other cephalopods?

The chambered nautilus has more primitive eyes than some other cephalopods; the eye has no lens and thus is comparable to a pinhole camera. The species has about 90 tentacles with no suckers, which is also different from other cephalopods. Chambered nautiluses have a pair of rhinophores, which detect chemicals, and use olfaction and chemotaxis in order to find their food... -wikipedia

What feature makes cephalopods more advanced than other mollusks?

Since cephalodpods are animals such as octopus, squid, and cuttlefish, they usually either entwine their tentacles around their prey to trap it, or they use their suction cups to stick to prey and then consume it.

What is an adaptation of a mollusk?

Some adaptations of mollusks include an operculum that most univalves have for protection, the radula of the moon snail that is used to drill through other shells to get their food, and the jet propulsion movement and ink sac of cephalopods to escape predators. - a jeark

Why are squid considered to be mollusks?

The three primary characteristics of mollusks are a mantle with a cavity for breathing and excretion, a radula, and the structure of the nervous system. Squid and other cephalopods have all of these characteristics.

Do octopus eat giant squids?

Larger cephalopods have been known to eat smaller cephalopods, not the other way around.

What are two adaptations of a garden snail?

Some adaptations of mollusks include an operculum that most univalves have for protection, the radula of the moon snail that is used to drill through other shells to get their food, and the jet propulsion movement and ink sac of cephalopods to escape predators.

What is a molluscum?

A molluscum contagiosum (MC), sometimes called a water wart, is a viral infection of the skin that can be spread by contact, to other areas or to other people. The virus does not have a dormant stage.

Is a squid a cephalopod?

Yes, an octopus is an cephalopod which means head foot. Other cephalopods include cuttlefish, squid, and an nautilus which is the only cephalopod that still carries a shell.